In addition to a peaceful thermal spa experience, we provide spa treatments to further relax and de-stress you, leaving you feeling pampered and looking wonderful.
At Fundi Beauty, you're likely to discover a service that's ideal for you, whether you're a seasoned spa goer or brand-new to the concept. We provide a wide range of wellness, stress-relieving, and cosmetic services, including spa treatments for both men and women.
These services range from high-end, luxurious spa services to extremely reasonable procedures that will improve your appearance and well-being. Give yourself a massage, manicure, waxing, salt scrub, or any other of our numerous spa services.
The goal of Beauty Fundi Studio is to create value by offering the best treatment and healing atmosphere in the spa business so that our clients leave feeling refreshed and beautiful. To give treatment to everyone in a professional way in order to alleviate stress and anxiety, increase range of motion and circulation, create a sense of well-being, and offer a preventative lifestyle.
Beauty Fundi Studio, which has a location in Musgrave, Durban, offers therapy and stress relief for its clients through a variety of spa services. Through all spa treatments delivered in a skilled manner, they seek to boost a state of well-being, increase range of motion and circulation, and provide a preventative lifestyle.
Our Services

Musgrave, Durban, 4001 Tel: 063 144 7500 Email: Beautyfundii@gmail.com
HOURS Mon - Fri 8am - 5pm Selected Sundays per Month