Learn | How To Create Amazing Poster Event In Adobe Photoshop CC 2018

Customize your poster to stand out from the crowd

  1. Change the images. Upload your own images or choose from our stock library of over 1 million photographs, graphics and illustrations.
  2. Change the fonts. Choose from of over 130 fresh fonts.
  3. Change the background. Choose a background from our library or use an image.
  4. Change the colors. Change the color of your text boxes and text to add extra flair.

Print your poster in stunning high resolution

Once you’ve finished designing, you can send your new poster straight to Canva Print. We’ll print your designs in stunning resolution, with beautiful paper and finish options, and deliver them straight to your doorstep.
You can also choose to publish your design as JPEG or PNG images, ready for uploading or emailing. Or, you can post your new poster straight to your Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn followers.

Brand your poster in Canva

You can brand your poster by uploading your logo and using brand colors. If you want to use your branded poster as a layout, simply duplicate it and keep designing in Canva.

Choose images from our professional stock library

Our wonderful stock library includes over 1 million stock images, graphics and illustrations. Many of these images are free, while premium images are all priced at just $1.
Using your own images is 100% free. Once you upload them in Canva you can use them as many times as you like.

We Do Everything from Logo Design, Branding, Poster Event, and Offer Design Services to Businesses of All Sizes around Durban. If You Need Any Of Our Services Do Not Hesitate To Contact Us.

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